Yes, I do work for Billabong in their Design Department.
And I do sing-anywhere and everywhere.
I take random photos of anything that inspires me.I photograph my feet in foreign lands.
I go to church on Sunday mornings.
I am somewhat of a masochist because I enjoy getting my mMhm kicked at the gym.
I've tried surfing once but want to dance with mother nature more often.
All the Billabong D Cup swimwear is literally formed after my body and sold at several retailers. (Sometimes I still think that is really strange.. especially since it sells really well!?!)
Randomly thrown in there.......I decorate cupcakes.
Today someone called me DJ Toll House. I've also heard that I am Martha Stewart's alter ego. (I am kind of the scatterbrained rebellious Martha). I create edible art, no rules needed. How great would it be if there were a museum full of amazing art...that you could eat from? Kind of like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory but much happier and a little less twisted?
My cupcakes tell a story about t

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